Women’s Conference Cancelation!
As you know, the Ronald L Dart Evangelistic Association and the Tyler Church of God Seventh Day were going to host a women’s conference in August. Below is a message I sent to the local brethren today.
—Wes White
Dear brethren—
I have been watching the news with concern. Covid cases are rising again.
Summer camps across the US are closing because of outbreaks. The news tells of situations where an outbreak will close a camp and they will send kids and staff home to be quarantined for 14 days.
My concern for our Women’s Conference is this: Suppose we have an outbreak. Some of the sisters will be coming from far distances.
Do we tell these ladies who may or may not be infected to go home after an outbreak? Do we tell them to drive long distances where they will visit truck stops and gas stations and possibly infect others?
What about anyone who flies in? If they are infected, they might be refused entry on to the plane.
What do we do with these sisters who require quarantining? Would we take them into our homes for 14 days?
Clearly, this could get messy. This disease is still dangerous.
For these reasons, we must once again cancel our Women’s Conference. Please share this cancelation with others.
I apologize to all who have been inconvenienced.
Spiritual Vision Women’s Conference, hosted by the women of the Church of God 7th Day, Tyler, Texas.
Sorry the Women’s Conference has been canceled and will be rescheduled
We are pleased to announce that the Ronald L. Dart Evangelistic Association is sponsoring the Spiritual Vision Women’s Conference, hosted by the women of the Church of God 7th Day, Tyler, Texas.
The conference is totally FREE of charge and will include:
• Lots of music, performed by the youth of the CG7 Tyler congregation.
• Engaging speakers, educational presentations and interactive discussions.
• A Bible knowledge contest.
• Food and fellowship.
• Door Prizes.
• A food drive for the local Agape House Food Pantry.
The conference starts at 1 pm on Saturday, August 21 and goes through 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, August 22. It will be held at the Big Sandy Civic Center, located at 612 N Tyler Street, Big Sandy, Texas 75755. The Civic Center is spacious and in a nice, quiet neighborhood. It seats 250, has two kitchens, classrooms, a gym with showers, and offers plenty of parking.
The conference will be bilingual and open to women of all ages. Girls as young as 10 may attend if you think they will enjoy it, but we recommend 12 or older.
Want to help? We need volunteers for setup and clean up, as well as food prep. We also need TRANSLATORS – both Spanish to English and English to Spanish. Please volunteer by reaching out to Nancy White at Nancy@DynamicChristianMinistries.org or via Facebook Messenger.
Bring your special music/specials - you can sign up during the conference for a slot to perform.
Scriptures for the scripture challange:
Psalm 73
1 Corinthians 12:1-13:13
2 Peter 3
Attendees are welcome to bring bedding and stay overnight for a “lock in” with your spiritual sisters of all ages. Or there are nearby hotels in Gilmer, Texas – less than 15 miles away.
REGISTRATION REQUESTED (so we have enough food):
Do so by reaching out to Nancy White at Nancy@DynamicChristianMinistries.org or via Facebook Messenger.
We look forward to seeing you at Spiritual Vision Conference August 21 and 22, 2021!
Connect with us one of the following ways so you can get updates and notifications: Connect with the Iglesia De Dios Tyler 7o, Tyler Facebook page or the Igelisai De Dios Tyler (Septimo Dia) group or the RLDEA Facebook page or the Spiritual Vision Event on Facebook.
For more information, please call or write Nancy White - 903-571-6339; Nancy@DynamicChristianMinistries.org
Spiritual Vision Women’s Conference, hosted by the women of the Church of God 7th Day, Tyler, Texas.
We have an exciting announcement! Nancy and I plan to go to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, for the Feast of Tabernacles.
And, God willing, we are going to broadcast a couple of live sermons from there during the Feast! These messages will be given on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles and on the Last Great Day. Those dates are October 3 and October 10. You will be able to view them live at 11:00 am Central time as part of our sermon series called, “Remember the Sabbath.” This sermon series is presented by the Ronald L Dart Evangelistic Association.
So we hope you’ll join us for these annual, festival day messages.
A lot of people are stuck at home this year because of the Covid pandemic. A lot of people are going to be looking for high day messages. Well, look no more. We’ll have two live messages for you!
You can pick up these sermons on my Facebook page or on the Ronald L Dart Evangelistic Association Facebook page.
If you don’t have Facebook, you can pick up the YouTube link for these live messages on the website RLDEA.com or on the website dynamicchristianministries.org.
And – as always – if you have any comments and questions, we’ll be glad to read them live on the air and talk about them. I mean, what other Feast message do you get to do that with?
So we hope you will join us on October 3 and October 10 at 11:00 am Central time.
I remember being told by some angry guy about a year ago that Ron Dart would NOT like that his wife, Allie, had created the Ronald L Dart Evangelistic Association before her passing.
Also, I was recently told by a hysterical woman that Allie Dart would not like how we are running the Ronald L Dart Evangelistic Association.
Now, I don’t know how people can divine a deceased person’s current thinking. Maybe they are doing what King Saul tried to do when he consulted the Witch at Endor in I Samuel 28. 😊
Let’s get serious.
This afternoon, I wanted to see how many people have been recently impacted by Ron’s works. I went into YouTube (not Facebook) to see how many hits Ron’s messages have gotten in our “Turn the Page” series over the past year or so. (As you know, “Turn the Page” is just one of many tabs we have on rldea.com.) And please keep in mind that we have been posting “Turn the Page” messages for less than two years!
Well, I have to tell you that I was amazed at the numbers of hits that Ron’s materials have gotten! Further, I cannot picture either Ron or Allie being displeased with these results! Ron’s materials are getting into the hands of many people!
You be the judge. Here is an abbreviated snapshot of TTP viewers as of today, September 11, 2020. Again, these TTP YouTube posts are less than two years old:
Prince of War 5,230
To Kill a Church 4,895
Why Do People Fight? 4,256
Nuggets From Paul 2,860
God’s Standards 3,357
Confrontation vs Authority 2,154
Called of God 3,206
Trials of Gold 1,779
Four Principles of God’s Will 3,170
Out of the Shadow 4,182
I praise God that He has blessed thousands of people with the teachings of the late Ronald L Dart. Please rest assured that we at rldea.com will continue to work hard to preach the Gospel thru the works of Ron Dart no matter what the diviners say. --Wes
Bill Christian of Canada wrote: “... I suspect Ron Dart had a big impact on a lot of people including myself. I look forward to the new sermons rolling out. You folks are doing a great job.”
From Eleno Mellomida in the Philippines: “Always reserving time here every sabbath listening to the ever inspiring messages of RLD.”
From Lisa Smith Augustine in Arkansas: “Thank you so much for providing these on you tube. I try to listen to one everyday. They are a tremendous help in getting through our current turbulent times. God's word can give us a sense of stability, examples of love, and a calming effect knowing what is important and to stay focused on that. Thank you again. Happy Sabbath!”
From of Kathryn Touchton Whatley of Texas: “It was a privilege to meet Ron on several occasions. I consider him to be one of the best Biblical teachers of our age. His Bible studies have helped to open many eyes.”
Thomas Huston wrote: “ Thank you for letting us hear Ron’s teachings.”
We have been getting a lot inquiries over a change that has been made to our leadership team. We are excited about things that are happening.
First of all, we are pleased that Joe Limon has been added to our board of directors. I have known Joe since he was the assistant pastor of the Church of God Seventh Day in Oak Cliff, Texas in the 1990s. As you can see from his bio on our website, Joe is now pastor of the Church of God Seventh Day in Cedar Hill, Texas.
Joe brings a wealth of knowledge and pastoral experience to RLDEA. Joe is not a pastor in the traditional sense of the word. Joe is truly a servant pastor. Joe is a volunteer pastor who receives no salary for his service. He has always been just a volunteer. Joe is now retired and works full-time serving his church.
The other new exciting development has to be prefaced with a bit of history. Before Allie died, she and I spent a lot of time talking to me about how she would like the money from her estate disbursed. As you know, most of it went to RLDEA.
First, Allie made clear that she wanted Ron’s works promoted. We feel RLDEA is doing a really good job of that thru our social media efforts. Promoting the Gospel of Jesus thru Ron’s material has always been our top priority and it will always be our top priority.
Second, Allie made it clear where she did NOT want any of her money to go. She made mention of several religious organizations that RLDEA was not to donate to.
Third, Allie made it clear that she also wanted money to go to charities. She specifically mentioned St Jude’s Children’s Hospital and the American Cancer Society. I am sorry we have not, up to this point, done anything in the area of charitable giving. But this changed on April 5 when we made donations to St Jude’s Children’s Hospital and the American Cancer Society. We will continue to support these two charities.
Further, because of the hardships caused by the corona virus, we are researching to determine which charitable East Texas organizations we might possibly send donations to -- organizations that assist people thru these difficult times.
For example, right now we have a problem in that kids can’t go to school. They are supposed to do their studies on line. Many kids in our area don’t have tablets and don’t have access to the internet. So we are making donations to local schools to help kids get tablets.
We are also having an internet service installed at our Tyler Church of God Seventh Day building. We are going to then invite kids in our neighborhood to access this internet so that they can do their homework there. Even though no one is allowed in our building at this time, we have a nice front porch and yard where they can sit so they can access the internet to do their homework.
We are long overdue in our efforts to helping local people.
And let’s be clear that any contribution sent by the leadership of RLDEA is not something that we will be rewarded for when we stand before Christ. It is Allie who will be rewarded for directing us to do this. It was her money and we’re trying to spend it the way she directed.
So again, we are excited about these new developments and ask for prayers that God will guide us into doing good works at RLDEA.
Wes White wdwhite49@yahoo.com
Giving Tuesday and RLDEA
I have friends who went to high school with me before I was baptized. They knew me during the times when I was a wild rock n roller. These days, they enjoy chiding me about my being a Christian minister because this is something they never expected from me.
Last week, one of them read on the internet about “Giving Tuesdays.” So he half-heartedly advised me, “Hey Wes! Here is an opportunity for you to do some internet panhandling. Be sure to set up some accounts on Giving Tuesday for the Ronald L Dart Evangelistic Association. Then flood the mailboxes of everybody you know. Don’t forget to text them and to Facebook Messenger them.”
I had to remind him that RLDEA accepts no donations from the public. Never has. Never will.
Sure, he was just kidding around. We both got the joke. We both laughed.
But his suggestion was prescient in that, sure enough, last Tuesday (Giving Tuesday) I was bombarded with requests for money from religious organizations. Interestingly enough, none of the groups that contacted me met their goals for how much money they were trying to solicit on Giving Tuesday. I was sorry to see that because I know many of these groups have sincere intentions and are usually short on finances.
Just to be clear, RLDEA does not ask for or accept donations from the public. The only thing we request is prayer.
One of the reasons we do not need to constantly scramble for money is because our expenditures are low.
We own no building. We have no office rental space.
Most of the work done for RLDEA is by volunteers. The work we do pay for is contracted out to a few individuals. We also pay a couple of small companies here in Tyler for our internet efforts.
Under this setup, there is no charge for any of Ron’s material. Any person who goes to RLDEA.com can have anything there for free.
Under this setup, we never have to worry about some high-priced employee with idle time on his hands stirring up mischief when the workload is slow. Overpaid, underutilized, “entitled” employees are a common problem for many ministries out there today.
And to be clear: I am not an employee of RLDEA. We have no employees. Years ago, when I did volunteer work at Christian Education Ministries, I was never paid a wage or a salary or reimbursement expenses. I have that in writing from Allie.
Further, at RLDEA we believe that a significant portion of our expenditures should be “with no strings attached.” Let me explain.
The ultimate goal for most religious groups is to spend money for the purpose of bringing in new supporters -- whether you want to call them members, co-workers, donors, partners, whatever.
At RLDEA we have no members or co-workers or partners. We don’t even have s mailing list. And since our motive is NOT to make money, we can focus on our main goal which is get people to access the works of the late Ron Dart. And we admit that, when we reach out to the world, we have a hook – a hook that’s designed to encourage people to check out Ron’s works.
But RLDEA has one other purpose. And here’s where the “no strings attached” principle kicks in. I have been saying for decades that there are times when Christian organizations need to serve others with the idea that we will knowingly and deliberately get nothing in return for a particular service! Here are some examples of what we do at RLDEA:
— We sponsor taking food to homeless shelters.
— We have helped a poor college student (who escaped an abusive family) get a car.
— We feed poor families.
— We have helped people with medical bills.
— We provide musical instruments for kids learning to serve in their local church’s music program.
— We have helped a small (but growing) congregation acquire additional property so they can expand their facility. In the future, we hope to help this church build a new worship center.
All of these acts of service are done with no strings attached. In other words, RLDEA doesn’t expect (or even desire) any advancement of our ministry’s evangelistic efforts when we do these things. We do this with nothing expected in return. Zip. Zero. Nada. It is our belief that such giving is in keeping with Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 25.
So, when you get a request for money on Giving Tuesday from an organization that is doing good works, we encourage you to seriously consider helping them out by sending them cash. Just don’t send it to RLDEA.
—Wes White